Snorkeling Hawaii’s Big Island

Snorkeling Hawaii’s Big Island

Filmed at Kahalu'u Beach Park and Honaunau Bay-"Two Step" (proper name: Pae'a). "Two-Step" is really amazing. Hawai'i has 75% of all the coral in the United States. Over 5,000 species of tropical fish, of which over 500 are found only in Hawai'i, making snorkeling and diving very special. Hawai'i island often called the "Big Island", is the largest and tallest of the main Hawaiian islands. It is 95 miles long (N-S) and 79 miles across (E-W), with a total area of 4,028 square miles. Its land area is larger than all the other islands combined. Its highest elevation is 13, 796 feet at Pu'u Wēkiu on the Summit of Mauna Kea.

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