Exploring the Big Island of Hawaii

Exploring the Big Island of Hawaii

The Big Island of Hawaii is the youngest and largest island in the Hawaiian chain with dramatic climate contrasts across its seven regions. It has the most active volcano on earth: Kilauea, which is located within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (HVNP). Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (HVNP) was established on August 1, 1916 and encompasses the Mauna Loa summit area, Kahuku Ranch, Ola' a Rain Forest and Kilauea Volcano's summit, south flank, and east and southwest rift zones. HVNP was recognized as an international Biosphere Reserve in 1980 for its unique scenic and scientific value and became World Heritage site in 1987. The Big Island of Hawaii is a place for serious adventurers where you can explore exotic black sand beaches, snorkel with manta rays and many other type of marine life, and go on many other unique eco adventures. Thanks for watching. Please comment, rate and subscribe.

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