Perfect wedding dress by Newarrivaldress

Happy tuesday girls!

New celebration ideas by! Details are important - a long row of teensy pearl buttons and a well-placed ruffle or two can mean the difference between a good discount wedding dress and a simple one. But before you start nitpicking the details, "first figure out the silhouette that works best for you," says a gown designer.
A long, gorgeous wedding dress with a fancy hem is to die for. Just remember that the top of your dress is what people will notice most - and what will show up in most unique wedding dress pictures. "The majority of wedding photos that guests take of you are from the waist up,". When you feel sexy and glamorous in a gown that has both modern and traditional elements, and you feel like a better version of yourself when youre wearing it, youve found your timeless gown. Its something that will never go out of style. Click the pics for more info!

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